Entries in YHC (7)


Gamma Psi and Phi Sigma Kappa crowned Homecoming Champions

Homecoming was this past weekend and the Mountain Lions weren’t the only ones winning. Gamma Psi was paired with Phi Sigma Kappa for the week of homecoming competitions, winning the Lip Sync and taking the crown as Homecoming Champions. Speaking of crowns, congrats to members Jack Orr, Andria Deering, and Grant Rich for getting elected to Homecoming Court and for Jada Williams getting crowned Queen. It was a festive ending to a week that began with the 23rd Gamma Psi Founder’s Day.


Gamma Psi Welcomes 18 New Members

This past Saturday, 18 women accepted bids to become the newest members of Gamma Psi. Congrats to the new "baby cats"



Gamma Psi Congratulates its Newest Graduates.

Congratulations to Gamma Psi members Leah Cheshier, Luis Fajardo, Stephanie Mills, Kayla Rodriguez, Darby Stanford and Ciara Wood who graduated from Young Harris College on May 7, 2016 with 181 other graduates. Baseball legend Henry “Hank” Aaron delivered Young Harris College's 2016 Commencement address. 


Gamma Psi Welcomes New Members

Our newest members on Bid Day.


Gamma Psi celebrating with the newest members from Spring Recruitment. 


Gamma Psi Congratulates Its Latest Graduates

On May 10, Gamma Psi seniors attended Young Harris College Commencement (along with Trisha Yearwood) and received their degrees. We wish them success in their endeavors as they become leaders in their communities and professional fields, just as they were leaders at YHC.