Gamma Psi Fall 2016 News

With fall settling in, YHC is finally getting cool air and seeing the leaves change colors! The past couple of weeks have been filled with midterms and excitement for fall break coming at the end of this week. Here is some of the latest Gamma Psi news:
-Appreciation Day was a couple weeks ago and Gamma Psi honored close friends and potential new members and let them wear jerseys for a day.
-Bid Day was a huge success and 15 new members are learning about Gamma Psi.
-This past weekend was the Sunset Semi-Formal where members could bring dates for the festivities.
-Sister Mikala Jones just got the approval to start a new club on campus. She will be serving as president of the College Guild Volunteer, which will work with the College Guild Program in Maine. The program focuses on writing and prison pedagogy.
-Homecoming will be November 18th-19th, 2016. Save the date so you can join alumni and current members cheer on the Mountain Lions and reconnect!