Get to Know Gamma Psi During Fall 2016 Rush Week

Rush Week starts this week and Gamma Psi's theme is Welcome to the Big Leagues! Gamma Psi is looking forward to meeting some amazing women.
Here is the calendar of events:
Monday, September 19, RCC, 7:00 PM
Introduction – Mandatory Informational Meeting
Get the schedule, learn the process and rules. Potential new members can meet Gamma Psi members.
Dress code is casual.
Tuesday, September 20, RCC 7:00 PM
Sisterhood and Values Night
Learn about each sorority and what they value.
Dress code is Jerseys (current members); Casual/Dressy (potential sisters)
Wednesday, September 21, RCC 7:00 PM
Philanthropy and Service Night
Learn about Gamma Psi’s philanthropy and community service efforts. Potential new members will choose their top three organizations to visit.
Thursday, September 22, RCC 7:00 PM
Preference Night
Active members will chose Potential New Members to visit and interview with this night. Potential New Members may attend up to two preference parties.
Dress code is Sunday best.
Saturday, September 24, The Lawn
Gamma Psi can't wait to grow the sisterhood!

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