Spring Recruitment 2016

Gamma Psi encourages all ladies interested in joining a sorority to attend this week's Rush activities.
Here’s a few reasons these sisters chose Gamma Psi:
“As a musical theatre major, I had the same kinds of classes all day with the same people- So making friends *within the department* wasn't difficult. By second semester, I was in my little theatre bubble with no intentions of trying to meet new people. That is, until one of my mentors …encouraged me to try to meet new people. Through her, and with some of my closest friends, I decided to rush Gamma Psi… and found a family that's unlike any other. I have a home with Gamma Psi.” –Morgan Mims
“I wouldn't consider myself the "sorority type," but having a group of girls that know you at your best and love you at your worst is something that everyone should have. Something that drew me towards Gamma Psi is how diverse the group is and how involved they all are! I saw the special bond they shared and I was like "I want that.” To be honest, I am beyond honored to be a part of this sorority” –Allie Weldon
“When I first came to YHC, I wasn't sure where I would fit in. There were so many options for organizations that I was a little overwhelmed. How was I going to find my place among all these awesome people? Some of my friends at work were in Gamma Psi and they were some of the sweetest and funniest girls I had met - and their friendship was so incredible! So, I made the decision to rush and it was one of my best decisions yet! …Being in this organization has taught me so much but most importantly it has made me realize where I truly belong and how lucky I am to call these girls my sisters. I'll forever be so grateful that they accept me for who I am.” – Baylie Whitten
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