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If you want to stay updated on the latest Gamma Psi news, add the news feed to your favorite Home Page like My Yahoo! or Google.

On a My Yahoo! Homepage, go to the "My Front Page" tab and click "Add Content." Next, click "Add RSS Feed" at the bottom of that section.

Add this link http://www.gammapsi.net/latest-news/rss.xml to the field, click "Add" and then "I'm Done."

On a Google Personalized Homepage, Click on the "Add stuff" hyperlink in the right corner of the page, below the Goodle search box. A list of content options to add to your homepage should appear.

At the top of the page, to the right of the search box and "Search" button, is a link to "Add by URL." Click on that and a small window will appear right underneath the Google search field. Add this link http://www.gammapsi.net/latest-news/rss.xml to the field and click the "Add" button.


To learn more about RSS Feeds, click here.


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