Gamma Psi 1994-1999
(Top Row): Joanna Steed, Jody Portnoff, Katy Burch, Shannon Stafford, Beth Delameter, Christina Hermoyian (Middle Row): Suzanne Bostick, Meg Caine, Jennifer McClain, Amber Weber, Cam Guy, Chelle Buchanan, Jennifer Webb (Bottom Row): Lindsey Fain, Carla Collins, Beth Haggerty, Liz Chatham, Shani Vickery
Midway through Fall Quarter in 1995 a group of friends were brought together to discuss the possibility of starting a new sorority. Initially, a group of up to 40 women met in the basement of Appleby Center dormitory to discuss interest in forming a new sorority. At that time, there were four fraternities (Alpha Xi, Kappa Tau Omega, Phi Chi and Zeta Pi) and only three sororities (Alpha Iota, Phi Delta and Sigma Beta Sigma), despite a higher enrollment of women on campus. It was an unorganized meeting that included comments good, bad and other about the other organizations on campus. Some remarks were made by those who would go on to other sororities. Other remarks were made by those who would not join any Greek organization. In the end, only nine would continue on the path to joining this new sorority. Unfortunately, any negative comments made in that basement that night would be attributed to Gamma Psi. It was the meeting heard around campus. Elsewhere, two women found themselves in discord with the pledge activities of another sorority. They made the hard decision to de-pledge. Both groups sought advisement from the same resident director and the two groups were united with the same goals. They felt a fourth sorority would widen the Greek spectrum on campus. This idea was supported by select fraternity and sorority members and non-Greek students. However, tempers began to flair from most of the Greek population. Some of the sororities had low membership and were concerned about adding additional competition. Others were concerned about the loss of tradition in the Greek community. As a result, the Inter-Greek Council (IGC) amended Article 6, Section 2 of their constitution, whereas the group could not immediately apply for IGC recognition.
Undeterred by the stance from IGC, the newly formed Gamma Psi was anxious to establish itself. As a result, the Society of Gamma Psi was introduced to campus as a Greek-lettered, social, academic, service organization. The eleven founding colony members were officially chartered on January 23, 1995, promoting Virtue, Compassion and Fellowship in this new sisterhood. The new society was not well-received by all. There were incidents of hostility, threats and vandalism, including slashed tires to members.The hostility emboldened Gamma Psi and fostered unity, strength and perseverance among the sisters. Despite the negativity, the sisters made a choice to take the high road and start laying the foundation for reconciliation. Gamma Psi was here to stay and the goals for the future were now even higher.
Founding Colony Members - Winter 1995 Charter
Beth Delameter- Delometer, Sporin #7
*Beth Haggerty- Izbeth, Dr.Scholls #13- Vice President
*Carla Collins- BCWI, Loft #42- Secretary
Christina Hermoyian- Grit, Linus #19
Joanna Steed- Hypo, LAV #47
Jody Portnoff- Porno, Nike #36
*Katy Burch- Tu-Tu, M-Gasm #62- Assistant Educator
*Lindsey Fain- T-Bar, Shadow #17- Activities Director
*Liz Chatham- Fievel, Gaynor #22- President
*Shani Vickery- G.G., Shakes #11 - Treasurer
Shannon Stafford- Stamp, Contraband #32
*There were 8 original founders that begin formation of Gamma Psi in Fall Quarter of 1994 and 11 who were part of the official colony. April Saye and Mandi Triplett were original founders that were no longer attending YHC when the charter was made official on January 23, 1995.
Spring Quarter 1995 Inducted Sisters
Cam Guy- Puddles #02 (Shannon Stafford)
Amber Weber- Belcher #08 (Jody Portnoff)
Jennifer Webb- Grammar #12 (Shani Vickery)
Chelle Buchanan- Penelope #16 (Beth Haggerty, Shannon Stafford)
Jennifer McClain- Cleaver #24 (Lindsey Fain)
Suzanne Bostick- G-Queen #31 (Carla Collins)
Meg Caine- NJB #72 (Liz Chatham)
(Big Sisters are in parenthesis)
Newly formed, there was a focus on building the unity of the sisterhood. While there wasn't a Gentleman for the first year, Gamma Psi felt it was important to acknowledge the support we were receiving and dubbed our first Honorable Supporter for 1995 –Hal Misseri, Phi Chi Fraternity
There was only a partial school year left after chartering and Gamma Psi made the most of it by planting seeds of rich tradition internally, while strategizing a positive impact on the YHC campus. With a revamp on the ’80s and Grease, Gamma Psi took 2ndPlace in the campus Lip Sync contest. Service projects for the year included painting speed bumps on campus, The Big Project and participating in the alumni telethon.
Gamma Psi promotes leadership and involvement. 1994-1995 members were active members and leaders across campus and in the community. Our members were also bestowed special honors. Here are just a few examples of our accolades and involvement:
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
Deans List
Dorcas Society (Sigma Delta Chi)
Enotah Echoes
Enotah Yearbook
Phi Theta Kappa
Student Government Association
Common Ground
Wesley Fellowship
Sky Club
Pi Sigma Omega
(Top Row): Angela Bishop, Judy Collins, Sarah Bartleson, Lisa Routt, Kelly Myers, Dawn Davis, Heather Townley, Alisa Cross, Candice Franklin, Alex Murphy, Lisa Lisle (Middle Row): Beth Haggerty, Cam Guy, Jody Portnoff, Chelle Buchanan, Amber Weber (Bottom Row): Katy Burch, Lindsey Fain, Joanna Steed, Shannon Stafford, Jennifer McClain, Meg Caine
Amber Weber- Belcher #08- Treasurer (Jody Portnoff)
Beth Haggerty- Izbeth, Dr.Scholls #13- Activities Director
Cam Guy- Puddles #02- Vice President (Shannon Stafford)
Chelle Buchanan- Penelope #16- Secretary (Beth Haggerty, Shannon Stafford)
Jennifer McClain- Cleaver #24 (Lindsey Fain)
Jennifer Webb- Grammar #12 (Shani Vickery)
Joanna Steed- Hypo, LAV #47
Jody Portnoff- Porno, Nike #36- President
Katy Burch- Tu-Tu, M-Gasm #62
Lindsey Fain- T-Bar, Shadow #17
Meg Caine- NJB #72 (Liz Chatham)
Shannon Stafford- Stamp, Contraband #32
Winter Quarter 1996 Inducted Sisters
Alisa Cross- Lone Ranger #63 (Chelle Buchanan)
Angela Bishop- Isolde #92 (Meg Caine)
Candice Franklin- Queen #61 (Beth Haggerty)
Dawn Davis- Mourning After #26 (Katy Burch)
Heather Townley- Cranker #74 (Joanna Steed)
Jennifer Karl- Just Kidding #5 (Lindsey Fain)
Kelly Myers- Call Girl #14 (Jennifer McClain, Amber Weber)
Lisa Lisle- Cybil #25 (Shannon Stafford)
Lisa Routt- Miracle #20 (Cam Guy)
Spring Quarter 1996 Inducted Sisters
Alex Murphy- Barbie #52 (Lisa Lisle, Lisa Routt)
Judy Collins- Sly Dog (Chelle Buchanan)
Sarah Bartleson- Green Acres #34 (Jennifer McClain)
(Big Sisters are in parenthesis)
In the second year, there was still a focus on building the unity of the sisterhood. While there wasn't a Gentleman, Gamma Psi felt it was important to acknowledge the support we were receiving and dubbed our 1996 Honorable Supporter –Bryan Braswell –Kappa Tau Omega Fraternity
Lynley Spall- Bugaa, Deere #1
Amy Walker- Miss Thang, Fleeher #10
As the first full year on campus, Gamma Psi confidently made their mark. Gamma Psi started off the school year with a successful Phall Phestivities party. Not bound by the Rush policies held by Inter-Greek Council, Gamma Psi was able to induct new members during Fall Quarter and nearly doubled in size. In an effort to raise funds in a way no other group on campus had, the society took advantage of the still lingering tension on campus with the first Throw a Pie at Gamma Psi day. The society promoted fellowship and sponsored Chapel. Service projects for the year included washing fire trucks, planting trees, The Big Project and participating in the alumni telethon. Establishing itself as an academic heavyweight, Gamma Psi had the highest Grade Point Average among social groups on campus and placed 2nd in the 1996 College Bowl.
Ocoee Rafting Trip
Phall Phestivities Party 1995
Throw a Pie at Gamma Psi
Gamma Psi promotes leadership and involvement. 1995-1996 members were active members, athletes and leaders across campus and in the community. Our members were also bestowed special honors. Here are just a few examples of our accolades and involvement:
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
Deans List
Dorcas Society (Sigma Delta Chi)
Enotah Echoes
Enotah Yearbook
Inter-Religious Council
Phi Theta Kappa
Resident Hall
SGA Member of the Year Award
Student Government Association
Zeta Pi Fraternity
Corn Creek Review
Common Ground
Wesley Fellowship
College Bowl 1996- 2nd Place
Highest Social Group Grade Point Average
International Club
Sky Club
Pi Sigma Omega
Newman Club
Women’s Softball
Special Olympics
1996-1997 Sisters
Lisa (Routt) Bell - Treasurer, Miracle #20 (Cam Guy)
Judy Collins - Secretary, Sly Dog (Chelle Buchanan Hollingsworth)
Candice Franklin - Activities Director, Queen #61 (Beth Haggerty Odum)
Heather Townley- Cranker #74 (Joanna Steed)
Angela (Bishop) Burgess - President, Isolde #92 (Meg Caine)
Alex Murphy - Assistant Editor, Barbie #52 (Lisa Lisle, Lisa Routt)
Dawn Davis - Vice President, Mourning After #26 (Katy Burch)
Kelly (Myers) Adams - Co-Activities Director, Call Girl #14 (Jennifer McClain, Amber Weber)
Winter 1996 Sisters
Lisa Langley - Vibrate #27 (Kelly Myers)
Michelle Boles - Chatter #07 (Heather Townley)
Holly Robinson - Professor Nymph #23 (Dawn Davis)
Dana (Devereaux) Ensley - Red to Go (Heather Townley)
Katie Goettl - Jungle Booty #96 (Candice Franklin)
Catherine Egan - Sandra Dee #59 (Judy Collins)
Kellie Bradberry - Dopey #41 (Alex Murphy)
Julie (Willis) Hodges - Holmes #40 (Lisa Routt Bell)
Jessica Bell - Tootsie #64 (Angela Bishop Burgess)
Leigh Anne Mason - Sneezy #77 (Alex Murphy)
Emily Watkins - Demi #46 (Angela Bishop Burgess)
Michaeline Matteson - Pucker Up #30 (Kelly Myers)
(Big Sisters are in parenthesis)
Volunteer tree planting
If you were in the 1996-1997 class of Gamma Psi, please fill out this quick survey to help us gather some missing information about you.
1997-1998- If you would like to assist by providing biographical information and photos for this Gamma Psi class year, please email us at At a minimum, you can help by filling out this quick survey to help us gather some missing information about you.
1997-1998 Members
Jessica Jordan - Signature Moves #267 (Jessica Smith)
Stephanie Kneur
Jill Clark - Rocky (Candice Franklin)
Adrienne Deyton - P-Nut #15 (Julie Lemberg)
Tracy Dunney
Holly Kessler (Alicia Ouellette)
Mindy Baker
Andrea Vargas
Niki Bennet, Assistant Educator (Lisa Routt)
Julie Lemberg (Dana (Devereaux) Ensley)
Catherine Egan, Treasurer - Sandra Dee #59 (Judy Collins)
Sabrina Taylor, Vice President - Madam Butterfly (Dawn Davis)
Lisa Langley, President - Vibrate #27 (Kelly Myers)
Julie Wynn, Secretary - Piggyback (Kelly Myers)
Michaeline Matteson, Activities Director (Kelly Myers)
Annie Draman
Alicia Oullette, Assistant Activities Director (Julie Willis)
Natasha Hall (Lisa Langley)
Amy Hardigree
Arlana Bryant
Barbara Mazur - DoggyStyle (Sabrina Taylor)
Laura Bond
Kenyatta Bailey (Julie Wynn)
Stephanie Kneuer
Elizabeth Meyer - Captain Morgan (Beth Palmer)
Beth Palmer - Sax #77 (Kenyatta Bailey)
Amanda Hart
Jeni Howard, Co-Activities Director - Moaner (Barbara Mazur)
Jon Groseclose
1998-1998- If you would like to assist by providing biographical information and photos for this Gamma Psi class year, please email us at At a minimum, you can help by filling out this quick survey to help us gather some missing information about you.
1998-1999 Members
Erin Shultz - Springs
Kristy Ogden - Ride-n-Spin #84 (Jeni Howard)
Deena Walsh - Lickity Split #86 (Jeni Howard)
Kelly Cagle- Underwhere? #34
Melissa Hardigree - Sweetheart #53 (Karen Filmon)
Natasha Hall (Lisa Langley)
Jessica Yates - Red Bandit #76
Ferris Brewer - Waterfall #38
Karen Filmon
Bonnie Dyal - President, Backseat Driver or B.S.D #44 (Jessica Jordan)
Lauren Crabtree - Ten or Less #88 (Laura Bond)
Sunny Bell
Christina Henry - Poke-A-Hot-A #33
Andrea Vargas, Treasurer
Adrienne Deyton, Co-Educator, P-Nut #15 (Julie Lemberg)
Jessica Jordan, Activites Director - Signature Moves #267 (Jessica Smith)
Amanda Hart
Jeni Howard, Co-Activities Director - Moaner (Barbara Mazur)
Barbara Mazur, Vice President- DoggyStyle (Sabrina Taylor)
Laura Bond, President
Stephanie Kneuer
Elizabeth Meyer - Captain Morgan (Beth Palmer)
Josh Lenderman
Dave Boger
Continue to 2000-2009